course code: FLVS_APPSYCHO
course name: AP Psychology Online
course length: 2 semesters
grade: 10 - 13
partner: FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
AP Psychology is a college-level online course providing students with an overview of the development of human behaviors and thoughts. Along with preparation for the AP Psychology exam, the goals of this course are to immerse students in modern psychological investigation techniques, to accentuate the ethics and morality of human and animal research, and to emphasize scientific critical thinking skills in application to the social sciences. Psychology is a diverse social and biological science with multiple perspectives and interpretations.
The primary emphasis of this course is to help students develop an understanding of concepts rather than memorize terms and technical details; the ultimate goal is to prepare students to successfully take the AP Psychology examination offered in May.
“AP Psychology course is a course very unique in Czech and Slovak school reality. Not only does it cover the usual history of Psychology that is commonly taught at selective college preps, but it also merges Biology and Psychology in a way that unfortunately existing school reality in Czech and Slovak schools does not. Students are explained the causes of psychological phenomena and in their tasks encouraged in their development of independent thinking and in-depth understanding of the topics discussed. They are also required to structure and argue their ideas and draw conclusions, which many Czech and Slovak students are, unfortunately, not used to from their school environments. They also need to take responsibility of their studies and learn to better organize and manage their time which they will, for sure, find useful also in their future lives. The undeniable fact that their English language skills improve notably is yet another added value of this challenging, yet very interesting and useful course.”
Tereza Hornova, CTM Online Instructor
Topics include:
Study Scope and Sequence
· The history of psychology
· Major historical figures in psychology
· Research methods of psychology
· Biological bases of behavior
· Influence of drugs on the brain
· Sensation and perception
· States of consciousness
· Types of learning: classical conditioning, operant conditioning and observational learning
· Compare and contrast cognitive processes
· Memory
· Compare and contrast motivational theories
· Compare and contrast theories of emotion
· Developmental psychology
· Nature vs. nurture
· Compare and contrast theories of personality
· Intelligence and testing intelligence
· Abnormal behavior/Psychological disorders
· Major contributors to the different fields of psychology
For this course you need to secure the following textbook and materials (if lab kit is listed, check first the possibility of using your school lab prior to buying the lab kit):
Description | Number | Type | Source |
Myers Psychology for AP Course | e-Book | included in the price of the course | |
course fee: 811,- EUR / 19 300,- Kč
I have just turned in my final acknowledgement in the course and in relation to that, I felt like it was only appropriate to, as well, express my genuine gratitude for your constant help throughout the year.
Your feedback and advice have had a great impact on my understanding and enjoyment of the subject and helped me develop a much deeper insight into psychology. Thank you for being an exceptional tutor and making this course such an amazing experience for me. :)
Bára H., 2023
Over those two years, I have taken four AP courses and I can honestly say that AP Psychology was my favourite one and also the one that I feel the most accomplished for completing. Though I do not know my scores from the Final Exam yet, I can say with all confidence that this course has taught me very valuable lessons - not just many interesting facts about psychology but also how to cooperate with another student and how to manage my time (though I learned that way too late but, if I take the last year in consideration, it can still be counted as progress). AP Psychology is surely not an easy course but it made me realise that psychology is indeed something I want to study at university and a career I would like to pursue. I believe this is also the last AP course I am going to take so I would like to sincerely express my appreciation for you for being my instructor for 3 out of the 4 courses, Tereza :) Thank you for being patient with me and guiding me even if I fell behind many times, I am very grateful for you!
Eva K., 2023
I have put a lot of work in this course, and it was overall difficult along with school and other hobbies. I think that I could get a grade higher if I tried harder. But I absolutely loved it anyway! Maybe not every minute of it, but now I am so glad that I decided to take it. This course had taught me a lot, now my self-esteem is a bit higher, knowing the amount of work I put in and knowing that I can turn on a Psychology themed podcast and understand what principles and/or studies is talked about. My English improved a lot with help of a lot of text in e-book and the fact that I had to write FRQs.
Thank you so much Ms. Hornová for your support throughout the course, it meant a lot. Trust me when I say I know urge everyone around me interested in psychology to at least consider taking AP Psych course with you as a teacher. One of my friends already knows that she will do it next year!
Hope you enjoyed time teaching this years class and that you will teach many years to come.
Eliška M., 2023
Thank you for your support during the whole AP Psychology course. You made the course as well as the final exam more enjoyable and less scary. I just wanted to reach out to you and express how thankful I was for your encouraging and understanding approach and willingness to help us anytime.
Petra K., 2023
This course has certainly been a journey, there were many ups and downs. I have learned a lot from it. It helped me understand many things that go on in my head and helped me see the world a little differently. Although I have to say that I agree with some branches of psychology more than others, slowly learning about each one expanded my horizons in fields way beyond psychology. I can’t say that I didn’t struggle throughout. With a challenging school schedule and other extracurricular activities, meeting deadlines was an often-difficult task. Despite that, when I did an assignment I didn’t just try to get it over with, but truly tried my best. Not always was “trying my best” as simple as it sounds. Many assignments forced me to think outside of the box. “How on Earth does this term relate to this scenario?” was a question I often asked myself throughout the course and I definitely had to get creative to answer it. Despite that, even knowing all the struggles and frustration it brought, I would definitely take the course again.
Laura Z., 2023
I do not have any questions. I really enjoyed my time completing and studying the course. The course helped me understand different themes and topics I can apply daily. From now on I will look at things from a different perspective.
Silvie D., 2023
My journey through this course was intense, challenging and very exciting. I feel uneasy and melancholic about leaving this course. I have learned so much and I want to thank my teacher Tereza Hornová for providing her help and support. I appreciate it so much. Not only I have learned about psychology but also that the most precious and valuable thing is knowledge and education. Thank you very much for this opportunity.
Alena R., 2023
The course was wonderful - challenging and time consuming, but only to the level of which I was forewarned in the synopsis. I especially valued the instructor's quick responses to my questions via mail (which always helped me understand the particular topic better), and how she helped the students coordinate the collaboration assignments.
Lucie L., 2023
I am very happy with my grade in this course! I think it was very well put together, I appreciated all of the informative videos and easy to understand images. Most of all I appreciated how understanding and communicative my instructor was. Tereza was very understanding when I couldn’t submit on time and I am really grateful. I think I learned so much about psychology and I hope to use this knowledge in the future. I am not sure if i wrote the exam well. I am really nervous about it. But we will see! Thank you!
Ester R., 2023
Firstly, I believe that half of a good class is made by a teacher and in this case, Mrs Hornová shined. She was brilliant! Very helpful and supportive, ready to adjust to specific needs and of students (i.e. their preferred communication) and always just an email away.
Secondly, the subject of the course itself is very interesting and was well presented by books and online classroom. I also enjoyed the variety of assignments, especially collaboration, thanks to which I got to meet new people interested in the same things.
Overall I very much enjoyed this course. It was challenging but incredibly fun and motivating at the same time, mainly because of the instructor. It also prepared me well for my AP Exam.
Míša V., 2021
This course has been very helpful to me and I really enjoyed it all. Not only was it interesting to learn all about psychology but it was also fun with the material being made the way it is. I understood the issue well and I liked learning about it.
Also my teacher has been a great help and always managed to explain and clarify things I struggled with. She knew how to create stress-free environment so I was not afraid of asking for help or ask further questions about the material.
Overall, I loved this course, I would recommend it to anyone interested in this topic. It motivated me to continue studying psychology and definitely gave me a great start!
Zuzana K., 2021
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this amazing course, as I have gained great knowledge, improved my English, my essay, and argument writing skills. I have learned how to think critically about situations and how to apply theoretical concepts to real-life scenarios. Once again, major thanks for everything.
Eliška H., 2021
Ještě jednou bych tímto ráda poděkovala skvělé a naprosto inspirativni a motivujíci mentorce AP psychology naší Barbory, paní Hornové. Bez její podpory a porozumění a vesrkze pozitivního tlaku by pro Báru bylo dokončení kurzu o mnoho složitější. Moc bych si přála, aby mezi našimi učiteli a mentory v Čechách více dam a pánů stejně inspirujícich.
maminka Eva N., 2021
Známku z AP zkoušky vnímám skutečně jako objektivní hodnocení a odměnu za dceřinu svědomitou práci, navíc je zřejmé, že ta známka je podložena komplexními znalostmi, které z větší části využívá již nyní a budou jí prospěšné i v budoucnosti. Je obecně dost zajímavé, že poměr průtokových poznatků z kurzu a ze školy se významně liší, pochopitelně ve prospěch kurzu. Zjevně to bude opravdu propracovaným systémem a zkušenostmi s online výukou.
maminka studentky, 2020
Z kurzu CTYOnline čerpám opravdu doteď. Dal mi základy, na kterých mohu stavět, byl opravdu mimořádně promyšleně strukturovaný a připravený. Netrávila jsem celé dny nad učebnicemi, přesto si nějakým zázrakem pamatuji většinu probíraných materiálů – a to hlavně díky samostatným experimentům, úvahám a diskuzím, jež byly nedílnou součástí kurzu. Kromě zkušeností a znalostí mi však kurz hlavně dodal sebevědomí. Zjistila jsem, že jsem schopná si sama zorganizovat čas, zvládnout studium v angličtině a komunikovat s lektorem i spolužáky přes půlku zeměkoule.
Kateřina, 2015
CTM - Centrum pro talentovanou mládež, z.s. nezisková organizace
CTM - Center for Talented Minds, nonprofit organization
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