Computer Science
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Grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program) , 9 - 13
Term: not selected
Partner: University of Nebraska High School , CTM
This course introduces students to the essential concepts of computer science and challenges them to discover how computers and ICT impact the world around us. The main topics include: programming, abstractions, algorithms, large data sets, the Internet, cyber security, and the impact of computing on our everyday life. The AP Computer Science Principles (AP CSP) course is complementary to AP Computer Science A. The AP CSP course is often taken by future IT professionals who want to build a solid understanding of the given field. Furthermore, AP CSP attracts students interested in a wide range of subjects, ranging from science and mathematics to medicine, journalism or even art, who would like to acquire a competitive edge by understanding computer science and the way it relates to their particular field as well as to the real world in general.
The AP exam fee is not included in the course fee.
Students are strongly recommended to study on average 8 hours per week.
It is recommended that students in the AP Computer Science Principles course have successfully completed a first-year high school algebra course with a strong foundation of basic linear functions, composition of functions, and problem-solving strategies that require multiple approaches and collaborative efforts. In addition, students should be able to use a Cartesian (x, y) coordinate system to represent points on a plane. It is important that students and their advisers understand that any significant computer science course builds upon a foundation of mathematical reasoning that should be acquired before attempting such a course. Prior computer science experience is not required to take this course.
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course code: CTM_APCSP
course length: 2 semesters
course fee: 811,- EUR / 19 300,- Kč
grade: 9 - 13
partner: CTM
In this course you will learn the fundamentals of programming such as: loops, branching, variables, and functions which are the basic building blocks of all the apps that you use. We will use a program called “Scratch” which was developed exactly for our purposes. By the end of this course, you will understand how computer scientists think and how to transform even the wildest ideas into real Scratch programs! This course is ideal for curious and playful students studying in 8 - 9 grade, or older, with no prior programming experience, or younger students in 7th grade with good English and programming experience. Also, the course will help you develops solid basis for further work with major languages used in the software industry such as Java or Python.
Students are strongly recommended to study on average 3 hours per week.
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course code: CTM_SCRATCH_A
course length: 2 semesters
course fee: 536,- EUR / 12 750,- Kč
grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program), 8 - 10
partner: CTM