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Grade: 9 - 10 , 10 - 13 , 8 - 11 , 9 - 13
Term: Podzim / Fall 2024
Partner: not selected
This course offers a unique opportunity to enhance students’ ability to formulate complex ideas, think critically, and express themselves in writing. By the end of the course, students will master advanced creative writing techniques and strategies, learn to work independently, formulate and process non-trivial ideas, and produce complex, original and well-structured texts in English. Skills acquired in this course are transferable across all academic disciplines. Students should already feel comfortable with writing texts in English (about 500 words) and have experience working independently in the language, including grammar and style. Previous experience of writing any type of text (in English) is welcome. The course represents the final, advanced level of the CTM Creative Writing series.
Students are strongly recommended to study on average about 5 hours per week.
PREREQUISITES: Creative Writing
course code: CTM_LITLAB2
course length: 1 semester
course fee: 338,- EUR / 8 050,- Kč
grade: 9 - 13
partner: CTM
Develop critical standards for the appreciation of literary works and increase your sensitivity to literature as a shared experience. For a year, students participate in the AP Dinner Party in the AP Literature and Composition course. Menu items include reading, analyzing, writing, rewriting, and discussing creations by the master chefs, renowned authors. Through close reading of the text of these authors, you'll discover the various ways writers use language to provide meaning and pleasure for their readers. The AP English Literature and Composition course focuses on reading, analyzing, and writing about imaginative literature (fiction, poetry, drama) from various periods. Students engage in close reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature to deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style, and themes, as well as its use of figurative language, imagery, and symbolism. Writing assignments include expository, analytical, and argumentative essays that require students to analyze and interpret literary works.
The AP exam fee is not included in the course fee. Students are recommended to study about 10 hours a week.
course code: FLVS_APLIT
course length: 2 semesters
course fee: 811,- EUR / 19 300,- Kč
grade: 9 - 13
partner: FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
This course offers a unique opportunity to enhance students’ ability to formulate complex ideas, think critically, and express themselves in writing. By the end of the course, students will master creative writing techniques and strategies, learn to work independently, formulate and process complex ideas, and produce original and well structured, texts in English. The course consists of an attractive combination of creative writing tasks and inspiring thought experiments, providing the fullest experience to both consumers & producers of literary texts. Skills acquired in this course are transferable across all academic disciplines. Students should already feel relatively comfortable with writing texts in English (about 300 words of length) and have experience working independently in the language, including grammar. Previous experience of writing any type of text (in English) is welcome, however, not required. The course is the second, intermediate of the CTM Creative Writing series. Students are strongly recommended to study on average about 5 hours per week. Students are strongly recommended to study on average 5 hours per week.
course code: CTM_LITLAB
course length: 1 semester
course fee: 338,- EUR / 8 050,- Kč
grade: 9 - 13
partner: CTM
This course will provide students with a more specialized vocabulary, preparing them to study technical subjects in English at the high school or college level. Part A focuses on mathematics, the physical sciences, and information technology. Students are strongly recommended to study on average 4 hours per week.
course code: CTM_STEM_A
course length: 1 semester
course fee: 338,- EUR / 8 050,- Kč
grade: 9 - 13
partner: CTM
This course will provide students with a more specialized vocabulary, preparing them to study technical subjects in English at the high school or college level. Part B focuses on the life sciences, psychology, and economics. Students are strongly recommended to study on average 4 hours per week.
course code: CTM_STEM_B
course length: 1 semester
course fee: 338,- EUR / 8 050,- Kč
grade: 9 - 13
partner: CTM
In this course, you will be challenged to analyse and critically assess selected works of art related to various though-provoking interdisciplinary topics. The first unit entitled the Human/Machine explores the world of science fiction, aiming to explore the millennia-old relationship between the human and (their) machines. Addressing a variety of topics, we will take traditional as well as more provocative approaches to science fiction and explore how technology shapes our everyday existence; perhaps we will even philosophise about what it means to be human at the beginning of the 21st century. This course is for everyone – not only sci-fi enthusiasts – who is not afraid to improve their analytical and critical thinking skills and learn to tackle challenging and non-trivial thoughts and texts in English. The course is designed for students whose level of English is B1 and higher and can thus be approached as independent users of the target language. Students are strongly recommended to study on average 4 hours per week.
course code: CTM_LITGYM
course length: 2
course fee: 515,- EUR / 12 250,- Kč
grade: 10 - 13
partner: CTM
Writing Nonfiction is a 10-week course that alternates between advanced reading exercises, with short-answer comprehension checks, and writing essays. The emphasis is on content, style, and organization more than on grammar. Students should already be comfortable with English syntax and have experience writing their own texts of at least a paragraph in length. They should be able to understand news articles in English with the help of a bilingual dictionary. During the 10-week course, students will read and respond to four assigned readings, write four original essays, exchange feedback with their peers through a workshop, and revise one of their essays as the final project. There is one assignment per week. Students are strongly recommended to study 3 - 4 hours per week.
course code: CTM_WRITNONF
course length: 1 semester
course fee: 338,- EUR / 8 050,- Kč
grade: 9 - 13
partner: CTM
CTM - Centrum pro talentovanou mládež, z.s. nezisková organizace
CTM - Center for Talented Minds, nonprofit organization
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