Literature, Literacy and Critical Thinking for High School Students
With more than 10 years of online educational experience, CTM offers a full-fledged alternative for when it is not possible to provide on-site instruction. We understand that teachers are under a lot of pressure to avoid falling too far behind in their classes and supplying students with tasks. Some schools have difficulty securing materials and content so quickly and without prior experience in online education.
Moreover, online education is not about assignments and self-study materials that will be used upon return to the normal mode of school. Students need feedback that they understand the substance of the courses and the ability to prove their knowledge without difficulty.
Unique mentoring system
At CTM, we work to provide continuous feedback from a "live" experienced instructor to make sure that students really understand the material. The tasks are chosen in such a way that students demonstrate their understanding of theory and apply what they learn in practice. The basic system is online and it has been used by hundreds of thousands of students. Children enjoy the experience and, in addition, it is in English, so it develops several abilities and skills at the same time.
We offer a meaningful, proven and entertaining alternative for students that will further enhance their ICT competencies and introduce them to a path of education that is gaining importance today.
CTM Online is a comprehensive system that works for the long-term. It is one of the leaders in digital education, mainly thanks to instructors who lead and accompany courses.

How can schools work with CTM to study from home?
We offer two options for schools — Literature, Literacy and Critical Thinking for High School Students and, for bilingual schools, we can customize an individual offering from the CTM Online course catalog.
You don't have to worry about content. The course is prepared by the CTM team and updated regularly according to feedback. Students register through our website. CTM provides training for your teachers and support throughout the course – whether it be technical questions, online student enrollment, or teaching recommendations. Count on us. Over 2,200 students have gone through our online courses and then headed off to the best universities around the world.
Literature, Literacy and Critical Thinking for High School Students (Sci-fi module)
Teacher webinar:
Wednesday, March 25: 9:00 - 10:00, at this address
How does the course work?
Basics: Online, presented in English, students are accompanied by a teacher from your school
Price: 750 CZK for 1 student for the school year 2019/2020 for the Sci-fi module

Science Fiction Now: Human / Machine Relationship in the 21st Century and before
Topic: Humanity and/versus Technology
Unit description: Students explore a series of iconic and niche science fiction texts and works of art. They interpret the material with literary extracts, theory, and articles in order to critically assess the relationship between human and machine, and reconsider how technology shapes our everyday existence. The unit works with texts and works of art that deal with different forms of the relationship between human and technology.
The course is taught by your school teacher after being trained by our team (via webinar). The educator does not have to create any materials. Everything is online, including the grading system. This course includes Literature (IUD), Humanities, and English Conversation.
The time estimate is approximately 1-2 hours per week for 1.5 months. The course can continue with discussions and projects even after returning to school.
Schools teach online with CTM
Since early February, this course has been used by Gymnázium PORG, Gymnázium Jana Palacha, Gymnázium Jana Nerudy, Gymnázium Jírovcova České Budějovice, and Gymnázium Masarykovo náměstí Zlín. It will also be included in their classrooms next school year. With regard to the current situation, we are currently offering the course to other schools, including Gymnázium Na Zatlance, Gymnázium Hello Ostrava and others. Get involved!
Download the informational brochure here.
Students can still apply for the Spring Semester of CTM Online. Choose courses from the Spring Online 2020 / Late Spring 2020 list.
Have any questions? Contact us.
If you are a bilingual school, we can prepare a customized option for you.
Jeanne Bočková,
Brochure Literature, Literary and Critical Thinking for High School Students