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Grade: not selected
Term: not selected
Partner: CTM
This course offers a unique opportunity to enhance students’ ability to formulate complex ideas, think critically, and express themselves in writing. By the end of the course, students will master advanced creative writing techniques and strategies, learn to work independently, formulate and process non-trivial ideas, and produce complex, original and well-structured texts in English. Skills acquired in this course are transferable across all academic disciplines. Students should already feel comfortable with writing texts in English (about 500 words) and have experience working independently in the language, including grammar and style. Previous experience of writing any type of text (in English) is welcome. The course represents the final, advanced level of the CTM Creative Writing series.
Students are strongly recommended to study on average about 5 hours per week.
PREREQUISITES: Creative Writing
course code: CTM_LITLAB2
course length: 1 semester
course fee: 338,- EUR / 8 050,- Kč
grade: 9 - 13
partner: CTM
AP Comparative Politics and Government is a college-level course that introduces students to the study of politics and government in different countries around the world. The course aims to develop students' critical thinking and analytical skills by examining the similarities and differences among political systems, institutions, and policies across different countries and regions. Students will gain an understanding of the key concepts, theories, and debates in comparative politics and develop the ability to analyze and evaluate political phenomena in a comparative perspective.
The course covers a range of topics, including political systems and regimes, constitutions and the rule of law, elections and political participation, political parties and interest groups, executives and legislatures, bureaucracies and public policy, civil society and political culture, comparative methodology and research methods. Throughout the course, students will engage in class discussions, debates, and simulations to deepen their understanding of comparative politics and develop their communication and collaboration skills.
You are going to examine the political institutions and processes of six different countries—China, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, and the United Kingdom—and compare the ways they address problems. You’ll analyze data and readings to draw conclusions about political systems.
The AP exam fee is not included in the course fee.
Students are strongly recommended to study on average about 8 hours per week.
course code: CTM_APCOMPGOV
course length: 2
course fee: 811,- EUR / 19 300,- Kč
grade: 10 - 13
partner: CTM
This course introduces students to the essential concepts of computer science and challenges them to discover how computers and ICT impact the world around us. The main topics include: programming, abstractions, algorithms, large data sets, the Internet, cyber security, and the impact of computing on our everyday life. The AP Computer Science Principles (AP CSP) course is complementary to AP Computer Science A. The AP CSP course is often taken by future IT professionals who want to build a solid understanding of the given field. Furthermore, AP CSP attracts students interested in a wide range of subjects, ranging from science and mathematics to medicine, journalism or even art, who would like to acquire a competitive edge by understanding computer science and the way it relates to their particular field as well as to the real world in general.
The AP exam fee is not included in the course fee.
Students are strongly recommended to study on average 8 hours per week.
It is recommended that students in the AP Computer Science Principles course have successfully completed a first-year high school algebra course with a strong foundation of basic linear functions, composition of functions, and problem-solving strategies that require multiple approaches and collaborative efforts. In addition, students should be able to use a Cartesian (x, y) coordinate system to represent points on a plane. It is important that students and their advisers understand that any significant computer science course builds upon a foundation of mathematical reasoning that should be acquired before attempting such a course. Prior computer science experience is not required to take this course.
course code: CTM_APCSP
course length: 2 semesters
course fee: 811,- EUR / 19 300,- Kč
grade: 9 - 13
partner: CTM
This course provides students with a college-level foundation to support future advanced course work in chemistry. This course prepares sttudents for AP Chemistry Exam. Students cultivate their understanding of chemistry through inquiry-based investigations, as they explore topics such as: atomic structure, intermolecular forces and bonding, chemical reactions, kinetics, thermodynamics, and equilibrium.The course combines the following resources: FLVS Honors Chemistry, Thinkwell AP Chemistry course full of videos and tests, CTM lab assignments and mentoring to prepare students successfully for AP Chemistry exam.
To complete the laboratory experiments at home, you will have to purchase a selection of materials and chemicals. The estimated price for these supplies ranges between 1200 and 1500 CZK - if you choose to do the experiments at home.
The AP exam fee is not included in the course fee.
Students are strongly recommended to study 9 - 13 hours per week.
PREREQUISITES: Students should have strong knowledge of a general high school chemistry and Algebra II.
course code: CTM_APCHEM
course length: 2 semestry
course fee: 811,- EUR / 19 300,- Kč
grade: 10 - 13
partner: CTM
AP Physics I is an algebra-based, introductory physics course that will guide students through a college-level learning experience. This two-segment course is designed for students to develop an understanding of physics through rich content, engaging activities, and inquiry-based laboratory. Students will explore concepts such as analyzing motion, force interactions, energy, rotational motion, waves, and periodic motion. Students cultivate their understanding of physics through classroom study, in-class activity, and virtual and hands-on, inquiry-based laboratory work as they explore concepts like systems, fields, force interactions, change, conservation, and waves.
AP Physics 1 is a full-year course that is the equivalent of a first-semester introductory college course in algebra-based physics. AP Physics 1 course is full of videos and tests, CTM lab assignments and mentoring to prepare students successfully for AP Physics 1 exam. Thinkwell videos included in the course.
The AP exam fee is not included in the course fee.
Students are strongly recommended to study 8 - 10 hours per week.
PREREQUISITES: Students should have strong knowledge of Vectors and Trigonometric functions.
course code: CTM_APPHYSICS1
course length: 2 semestry
course fee: 811,- EUR / 19 300,- Kč
grade: 9 - 13
partner: CTM
AP Physics 2 is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course. Students cultivate their understanding of physics through inquiry-based investigations as they explore these topics: fluids; thermodynamics; electrical force, field, and potential; electric circuits; magnetism and electromagnetic induction; geometric and physical optics; and quantum, atomic, and nuclear physics.
The AP exam fee is not included in the course fee.
Students are strongly recommended to study 8 - 10 hours per week.
PREREQUISITES: Students should have completed AP Physics 1 or a comparable introductory physics course and should have taken or be concurrently taking pre-calculus or an equivalent course.
course code: CTM_APPHYSICS2
course length: 2
course fee: 811,- EUR / 19 300,- Kč
grade: 10 - 13
partner: CTM
AP Research, the second course in the AP Capstone experience, allows students to deeply explore an academic topic, problem, issue, or idea of individual interest. Students design, plan, and implement a yearlong investigation to address a research question. Through this inquiry, they further the skills they acquired in the AP Seminar course by learning research methodology, employing ethical research practices, and accessing, analyzing, and synthesizing information. Students reflect on their skill development, document their processes, and curate the artifacts of their scholarly work through a process and reflection portfolio. The course culminates in an academic paper of 4,000–5,000 words (accompanied by a performance, exhibit, or product where applicable) and a presentation with an oral defense.
The AP exam fee is not included in the course fee.
Students are strongly recommended to study on average about 8-10 hours per week.
PREREQUISITES: Students must have successfully completed the CTM AP Seminar course and be recommended by the AP Seminar teacher.
course code: CTM_APRESEARCH
course length: 2
course fee: 811,- EUR / 19 300,- Kč
grade: 12-13
partner: CTM
AP Seminar is a foundational course that engages students in cross-curricular conversations that explore the complexities of academic and real-world topics and issues by analyzing divergent perspectives. Using an inquiry framework, students practice reading and analyzing articles, research studies, and foundational, literary, and philosophical texts; listening to and viewing speeches, broadcasts, and personal accounts; and experiencing artistic works and performances. Students learn to synthesize information from multiple sources, develop their own perspectives in written essays, and design and deliver oral and visual presentations, both individually and as part of a team. Ultimately, the course aims to equip students with the power to analyze and evaluate information with accuracy and precision in order to craft and communicate evidence-based arguments. AP Seminar offers a combination of online and presence or zoom based education, with interactive lessons with instructors. Topics for AP Seminar are going to be announced in September based on students' interests in humanities, maths and sciences, and natural sciences. CTM opens this course if at least 4 students have been registered for this course.
The AP exam fee is not included in the course fee.
Students are strongly recommended to study on average about 6 - 8 hours per week.
PREREQUISITES: at least one CTM AP course ended with grade A or B and recommendation of CTM AP instructor.
course code: CTM_APSEMINAR
course length: 2 semesters
course fee: 811,- EUR / 19 300,- Kč
grade: 10 - 13
partner: CTM
AP World History: Modern is an introductory college-level modern world history course. Students cultivate their understanding of world history from c. 1200 CE to the present through analyzing historical sources and learning to make connections and craft historical arguments as they explore concepts like humans and the environment, cultural developments and interactions, governance, economic systems, social interactions and organization, and technology and innovation.
The AP exam fee is not included in the course fee.
Students are strongly recommended to study about 10 hours a week to successfully complete the course.
course code: CTM_APWHISTORY
course length: 2
course fee: 811,- EUR / 19 300,- Kč
grade: 9 - 13
partner: CTM
This course offers a unique opportunity to enhance students’ ability to formulate complex ideas, think critically, and express themselves in writing. By the end of the course, students will master creative writing techniques and strategies, learn to work independently, formulate and process complex ideas, and produce original and well structured, texts in English. The course consists of an attractive combination of creative writing tasks and inspiring thought experiments, providing the fullest experience to both consumers & producers of literary texts. Skills acquired in this course are transferable across all academic disciplines. Students should already feel relatively comfortable with writing texts in English (about 300 words of length) and have experience working independently in the language, including grammar. Previous experience of writing any type of text (in English) is welcome, however, not required. The course is the second, intermediate of the CTM Creative Writing series. Students are strongly recommended to study on average about 5 hours per week. Students are strongly recommended to study on average 5 hours per week.
course code: CTM_LITLAB
course length: 1 semester
course fee: 338,- EUR / 8 050,- Kč
grade: 9 - 13
partner: CTM
Are you considering going abroad for your university studies?
Applying for and being accepted to an international university is a competitive and complex process that requires personalized guidance and expertise. The best time to start the process is one to two years before high school graduation, ideally during septima / pre-graduation year.
The CTM University Counseling Program will open your eyes to the world of universities, explain each country’s admissions process, guide you in selecting the right university and mentor you to produce a successful application. An experienced American certified university counselor with a high success rate of helping students gain access to the world’s leading universities will coach you every step of the way. Under your counselor’s guidance, you will learn how to select the best-fit universities to achieve your academic pursuits and prepare an outstanding application.
Students will learn how to select English speaking programs at universities using a framework that considers academic, financial, social, and emotional fit. The program will focus on The Netherlands, Ireland, Scandinavia, Austria, Germany, UK and USA.
6 group sessions, 3 individual sessions on Zoom
December 2024 – May 2025
Group sessions online: January 8, January 22, February 5, February 19, March 5, March 19, 2025
One-on-one sessions online: you will book individually
course code: CTM_ADVISORY
course length: 1
course fee: 441,- EUR / 10 500,- Kč
grade: 12-13
partner: CTM
Have you ever wondered why the ancient Egyptian culture is so popular and fascinating? Introduction to Egyptology is a unique online course of CTM that offers you a useful tool to study a wide scope of interesting areas of Egyptian pharaonic history, archaeology and language. Each module contains overview of key terminology, and carefully chosen tasks and exercises which develop your learning and language skills and critical thinking in English. Are you ready to join us on an adventurous journey? The course may be of key help to you with your preparation for entrance exams in Egyptology or other related fields at university.
Students are strongly recommended to study on average about 4 hours per week.
course code: CTM_EGYPT
course length: 2
course fee: 599,- EUR / 14 250,- Kč
grade: 9 - 13
partner: CTM
This course will provide students with a more specialized vocabulary, preparing them to study technical subjects in English at the high school or college level. Part A focuses on mathematics, the physical sciences, and information technology. Students are strongly recommended to study on average 4 hours per week.
course code: CTM_STEM_A
course length: 1 semester
course fee: 338,- EUR / 8 050,- Kč
grade: 9 - 13
partner: CTM
This course will provide students with a more specialized vocabulary, preparing them to study technical subjects in English at the high school or college level. Part B focuses on the life sciences, psychology, and economics. Students are strongly recommended to study on average 4 hours per week.
course code: CTM_STEM_B
course length: 1 semester
course fee: 338,- EUR / 8 050,- Kč
grade: 9 - 13
partner: CTM
In this online course, students will learn about bacteria, their “lifestyle”, methods for how to get rid of them, why are they important for us and what can they do to us. Students will study the most important groups of bacteria as well as antibiotics. They will acquire knowledge in order to understand the relationship between humans and bacteria.The course will lead them through the basics of clinical and general bacteriology and examples that can be seen in everyday life. Students will learn how to use bacteria for the production of various products and also learn the basics of antibiotics, including the correct usage, general mechanisms of action, and dangers of ever-rising bacterial resistance.
Students are strongly recommended to study 7 hours per week.
PREREQUISITES: Advanced Knowledge of Biology
course code: CTM_BACTERIA
course length: 1 semester
course fee: 464,- EUR / 11 050,- Kč
grade: 10 - 13
partner: CTM
In this course you will learn the fundamentals of programming such as: loops, branching, variables, and functions which are the basic building blocks of all the apps that you use. We will use a program called “Scratch” which was developed exactly for our purposes. By the end of this course, you will understand how computer scientists think and how to transform even the wildest ideas into real Scratch programs! This course is ideal for curious and playful students studying in 8 - 9 grade, or older, with no prior programming experience, or younger students in 7th grade with good English and programming experience. Also, the course will help you develops solid basis for further work with major languages used in the software industry such as Java or Python. Students are strongly recommended to study on average 3 hours per week.
course code: CTM_SCRATCH_A
course length: 2 semesters
course fee: 536,- EUR / 12 750,- Kč
grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program), 8 - 10
partner: CTM
Would you like to boost your conceptual and critical thinking skills, improve your English, and learn about some of the most fascinating stories ever written? In that case, you simply have to jump straight into our brand new CTM Literature for Curious Minds! The course offers four broad thematic modules which will guide you through some of the most interesting texts written in English. By the end of the course, students will learn how to compare and contrast different sources of information, think critically and analyze information in English, acquire knowledge of selected areas of literature (written in English), express complex ideas, and ... enjoy literature. Skills acquired in this course are transferable across all academic disciplines. Students are strongly recommended to study 2 - 3 hours per week.
course code: CTM_LITERATURE
course length: 1 semestr
course fee: 338,- EUR / 8 050,- Kč
grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program)
partner: CTM
In this course, you will be challenged to analyse and critically assess selected works of art related to various though-provoking interdisciplinary topics. The first unit entitled the Human/Machine explores the world of science fiction, aiming to explore the millennia-old relationship between the human and (their) machines. Addressing a variety of topics, we will take traditional as well as more provocative approaches to science fiction and explore how technology shapes our everyday existence; perhaps we will even philosophise about what it means to be human at the beginning of the 21st century. This course is for everyone – not only sci-fi enthusiasts – who is not afraid to improve their analytical and critical thinking skills and learn to tackle challenging and non-trivial thoughts and texts in English. The course is designed for students whose level of English is B1 and higher and can thus be approached as independent users of the target language. Students are strongly recommended to study on average 4 hours per week.
course code: CTM_LITGYM
course length: 2
course fee: 515,- EUR / 12 250,- Kč
grade: 10 - 13
partner: CTM
Language of Mathematics! This course develops essential computation skills with whole numbers, decimals, fractions, powers, and exponents. An introduction to geometric concepts and terminology is communicated. The course serves as a bridge between the elementary and higher mathematics. Course structure: numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages, powers and exponents, ratios and proportions, plane geometry, coordinate plane. Students are strongly recommended to study 2 - 3 hours per week.
course code: CTM_MATHS67
course length: 2 semestry
course fee: 536,- EUR / 12 750,- Kč
grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program)
partner: CTM
Do you like books and stories? Do you enjoy reading and talking about books and stories? Well, wouldn’t you like to learn how to write stories of your own? Oh, you have already tried that? No? Would you like to? So many questions... and one easy answer – join our brand new Junior LitLab online course! The course offers piles of carefully designed interactive exercises focused on creative writing and thinking but also on vocabulary and language. Junior LitLab is a course not only for all future literati but for everyone interested in developing their increasingly important creative and artistic skills while at the same time working on their English! So, are you ready to join us? By the end of the course, students will become familiar with creative writing techniques and strategies, learn to work independently, formulate and process complicated ideas, and to produce original creative texts in English. The course opens the CTM Creative Writing series and therefore no prior experience in writing is required. Students are strongly recommended to study 2 - 3 hours per week.
course code: CTM_JUNLITLAB
course length: 1 semestr
course fee: 338,- EUR / 8 050,- Kč
grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program)
partner: CTM
The world we live in is full of mysteries! Are you courageous enough to explore its secrets? Start with Science A is a brand new online course by CTM which will guide you on fantastic journey through the fascinating world of natural sciences. In the first module of Start with Science A, you will explore the universal principles of science and explore the secrets of mathematics. You’ll surely use this knowledge in the second module which focuses on physics! Finally, the third module will teach how to “speak” the language of computers. So, are you ready to join us? Students are strongly recommended to study on average 2 hours per week.
course code: CTM_SCIENCE_A
course length: 1 semestr
course fee: 338,- EUR / 8 050,- Kč
grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program)
partner: CTM
The world we live in is full of mysteries! Are you courageous enough to explore its secrets? Start with Science B follows up on Start with Science A and guides students on their journey through the fascinating world of natural sciences. In the first module, Start with Science B explains what it means to be a scientist and shows what the world “science” actually means. The second module focuses on plants and animals, while the third module reveals the secrets of chemistry. So, are you ready to join us? Students are strongly recommended to study on averege 2 hours per week.
course code: CTM_SCIENCE_B
course length: 1 semestr
course fee: 338,- EUR / 8 050,- Kč
grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program)
partner: CTM
Did you know that today’s world is what it is because of what it was in the past? The History of the British Isles is a brand new online course by CTM which offers a chance to explore a wide range of fascinating topics from Britain’s early history, ranging from the arrival of the Romans to the Norman invasion. Through exploring the everyday life, works of art and literature, deeds of famous kings, saints and scholars, but also through English language itself, the course retells the complex story which laid the foundation of today’s Great Britain and Europe as we know it. By the end of the course, students will learn how to compare and contrast different sources of information, think critically and analyze information in English, acquire knowledge of selected areas of British and European history, and enjoy history. Are you ready to travel back in time and discover how history shapes the present? Students are strongly recommended to study on averege 2 hours per week.
course code: CTM_HISTORY
course length: 1 semester
course fee: 338,- EUR / 8 050,- Kč
grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program)
partner: CTM
Writing Nonfiction is a 10-week course that alternates between advanced reading exercises, with short-answer comprehension checks, and writing essays. The emphasis is on content, style, and organization more than on grammar. Students should already be comfortable with English syntax and have experience writing their own texts of at least a paragraph in length. They should be able to understand news articles in English with the help of a bilingual dictionary. During the 10-week course, students will read and respond to four assigned readings, write four original essays, exchange feedback with their peers through a workshop, and revise one of their essays as the final project. There is one assignment per week. Students are strongly recommended to study 3 - 4 hours per week.
course code: CTM_WRITNONF
course length: 1 semester
course fee: 338,- EUR / 8 050,- Kč
grade: 9 - 13
partner: CTM
CTM - Centrum pro talentovanou mládež, z.s. nezisková organizace
CTM - Center for Talented Minds, nonprofit organization
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